This page allows you to view scheduling sessions that you've already set up. Here's how it works:

From the search filter, select the filter criteria you want to search for. You can filter by Company, Scheduler who created the session (NOTE: If a session has been edited, the session will appear under the whoever last edited the session; not by whoever created the session); Wave ID; Session Name; Date and Completion Status. You may also select a maximum number of sessions to display:

Your sessions will then be displayed. They are sorted by latest due date.

For each session, you can take the following actions:

Process: This link takes you to the Process session page where you can schedule your applications/shops and manage your sessions. You can learn more about this page by clicking the Help button on the Process Apps page.

Delete: If there no assigned shops in the entire session, you may delete the session. But once a shop is assigned, you may no longer delete the session.

Copy: You may make a copy of the entire session, all of its comments and locations.

JobSlinger: This link allows you to post the session's shops to JobSlinger if you have not already done so.

Goalz: This link takes you to the Goalz setup page.

Jobs Assigned: This column shows you how many shops have been assigned out of a particular session. It will be red until 100% of the shops in the session have been assigned.

Profile Used: Tells you which profile was used. Click the link to edit the profile. 

Location Notes: Gives a summary of the locations that were scheduled. Won't display them all if there are a lot of locations.