Before you can enter alternate text for individual questions on a survey, you need to create a Global Question Set for that text to belong to.

Start at the main Admin Page and simply use the Quick Jump bar to search for the 'Global Question Set' utility.

Since Global Question Sets are created on an MSP level, there is no need to pre-select a Client and the Survey. Later on, when you will be setting up Alternate question sets, you will be able to further customize the languages on a survey.

The Global Question Set Admin page will list already existing Global Question Sets.

Keep in mind, you need at least two sets to be able to alternate between them!

Using the Add New or Edit links will open the same page, allowing you to either add a whole new set, or edit an existing one.

The Global Question Set Name is a label. Although you can name it anything you like, it's important that the label is meaningful to both the shopper and the client if the set is visible to them.

If the Global Question Set you created is the default set for a language, you can select the language from the dropdown. To add a language to your system, simply open a Support Tracker!

The Invisibility dropdown allows you to set the visibility of the Question Set.


Once you are satisfied with your selection, use the Save Changes button, or simply hit the Delete Question Set one to delete it.

While alternate question sets are often used to include multiple languages in one survey, they can also serve other purposes. For instance, a client's version of the questions and responses might differ from the shopper's version.

Once you have set up your Global Question Set Names, then you can proceed to the survey settings page to set up Alternate question sets.