To add and edit an Alternate Question Set, you must first set up a Global Question Set.

Once a Global Question Set has been set up, its label it will be displayed in the Alternate Question Sets subsection of the Survey settings. To alternate, you need at least two Global Question sets.

To edit actual questions in the Alternate Question set, you can use the Add/Edit Alternate Questions link.

A different way to get to the Alternate Question Text Admin page is from the Client & Survey Settings page. Check the dropdown on the far right, select Add Alt Questions and hit the GO button.

In the Alternate Question Text Admin page, you are able to add alternate text to the available sets.

The selection of the Alternate Question Sets that will be displayed side-by-side depends on the sets selected in the survey settings. 

In this example, English and Spanish were selected in the Alternate Question Set subsection of the Survey settings, so it is those two sets that are displayed and available for editing.

The Show Incomplete Questions button will hide all the complete sets, and display only the incomplete ones. 

Keep in mind that only fully completed Alternate Question Sets will be available for selection by the Client or the Shopper!

Once your Global Question Sets are in place, and you have filled in the alternate text of the Alternate Question Sets, shoppers (or clients) will be able to select the desired set from the dropdown.

Note that even though we added the French language as an Alternate Question Set in the Survey settings, because its alternate text is not complete, French is not available on the dropdown!

Switching sets will reload the page, potentially causing any answers in progress to be lost. Shoppers needing an alternate set should be informed to make their selection first, before beginning to answer any questions.