With Kaizen Action Plan, MSPs can create an action plan on a survey which automatically creates an item for scored questions that are low scoring or "noncompliant". When a shop is submitted with scored answers that are noncompliant as defined by the plan, an Action Item is automatically created for each of those answers and managers are notified. Managers can see any action items for which they are responsible and write remediation plans for dealing with any issues related to those answers.
For example, a survey about shopping in a store could be set up to trigger an action item whenever a shopper scores 0% on the question “Were you greeted upon entry?” Once a shopper submits their shop with a “No” answer and gets 0% for that question, a notification about the new action item will be sent to managers specified in the action plan. Managers can then visit the action item page for the question on that shop. From there, they can fill out the remediation plan and discuss a resolution. Once the issue has been dealt with, the remediation plan can be closed and the action item will appear as resolved within SASSIE.
Kaizen Action Plan does not support shadow access at this time
Action Item – Created when a shop is submitted with noncompliant answers. Location managers are notified upon creation so that they can deal with the issue.
Action Plan – Survey-level feature in which scored questions can be made to trigger Action Items and notify managers when answers are non-compliant as defined by the plan.
Category – Scored questions within a survey can be assigned to user-created categories to split action items up (e.g., by severity) and/or set specific behavior regarding due dates, reminders, and access.
Remediation Plan – A plan within an Action Item for resolving that Action Item. This would be written by a client manager to record how the action item was dealt with.
Video Demo
Click here to watch a video demo:
Admin Action Plan Setup
Enable Kaizen Action Plan
First, Kaizen Action Plan must be turned on at the Client level. After that, it can be set up on any survey in that client.
- Go to Client and Form Settings and scroll down until you see the Action Plan (premium) option.
- Tick that checkbox and click the Save Changes button. If the checkbox is grayed out, you are likely lacking the proper permissions to enable this feature.
NOTE: If you want to use Action Plan on a Kiosk shop, please contact support and request the survey be set up to work with both features enabled.
NOTE: To disable Kaizen action plan for a client (and not be billed), uncheck Enabled in Client Settings.
Survey Setup
Once the feature has been enabled on the client, you can open Action Plan Setup from the admin dashboard or from the Client settings page, where it says Kaizen Action Plan Settings.
From Action Plan Setup, you can choose to add an action plan to any survey for a client that has the feature enabled.
- Choose a client in the Client dropdown
- Click Start Action Plan next to a survey and then click Edit Action Plan to begin setting up that survey's action plan.
- Click on New Category to set up your first category. Multiple categories of action items can be created. For example, a Minor category and a Major category could be made to separate and set different behavior for non-compliant questions of minor and major severity. NOTE: Create your most serious category first, and your least serious category last, so that Dragon widgets can appropriately compare the severity of the categories.
- Name the category.
- Choose how many days after shop finalization action items of this category will be due. Any action items created under this category will have that amount of time after finalization to be resolved.
- Choose notification types. In addition to the standard notification types that can be checked, the Add reminder button can create custom reminders that send out X number of days before or after the item due date.
- For each level of hierarchy, choose which actions (if any) they have for action plan items in this category. Click the Add buttons to add specific managers and notification email addresses.
- If you need to add more categories, click the Add category button to do so.
- Once all your categories are set up, click Save and Proceed to Survey Level Configuration to move onto the next page.
Survey-Level Configuration
On the next page, there are links for Upload Question Configuration and Upload Question Linking.
Let's look at question configuration first:
- Click View/Upload Question Configuration. A new window or tab will open with basic instructions. There is also a link here for a visual guide for creating your file. If configuration is already present for the survey, it would appear here.
- Click the Download Import File button. A .csv import file populated with all relevant questions from this survey will download.
- Open the file with spreadsheet software (e.g., LibreOffice, OpenOffice, Excel). If the software asks for the separator or delimiter, choose comma.
- Set ScoreMin, ScoreMax for each question (score range 1 to 100). If a question is ever scored inside the min/max range, an action plan will be triggered.
- Set ScoreCategory for each question. This determines the category of the action plan triggered when a question scores outside the range. On the Categories page earlier in setup, the first category listed is 1, the second is 2, etc.
- If needed, set Answer Option categories. If a specific answer option is chosen, the triggered action plan will be put in the category specified. A zero in an Answer Option row makes it non-actionable.
- Save the sheet as a tab-delimited or comma separated .csv or .txt file.
- Upload and submit. Upon successful import, the current question configuration will be displayed in a table at the bottom of the page:
If you are finished with the question configuration, click Close window, and go back to your Kaizen action plan tab.
Question Linking is optional, but . With this feature, actionable questions can have other questions linked to them as evidence, such as a text question that describes an issue. To set this up:
- Click on Upload Question Linking.
- Open spreadsheet software (e.g., Excel, LibreOffice, OpenOffice).
- Create the question linking based on the image below: (for this file, you will create the file from scratch, not download a file to start)
Each row is a group of questions linked to an actionable question. Column A is just a name for this group or link. Column B is the parent QID, the actionable question to which the other questions will be linked as evidence. Column C and any columns after that hold the QIDs of the questions to be linked as evidence.
- Save the file as a tab-delimited or comma-separated .txt or .csv file.
- Click Choose File and submit the .txt or .csv file. Upon successful import the question linking will be displayed in a table at the bottom of the page.
With question configuration and question linking both imported successfully, return to the main Action Plan setup page for the survey and click the Finish button to complete setup.
Back on the main Kaizen Action Plan page for the client, the survey that has just been set up with Action Plan will be listed as status active, while any surveys that have not been set up will be listed as status non-existent.
Action Plan Logs
Classic Reports and Dragon Widgets
Action Plan logs list all shops that have action items assigned to the user. Action Plan Logs can be viewed either as a Classic Report or Dragon widgets.
Classic Reports: Action Plan Log
Dragon Widget: Action Item Log
Clicking the View Action Items link (Classic) or the row (Dragon) for a shop will show the user all questions that have action items on them for that shop.
Clicking View/Edit Details for a question brings the user to the details of that action item as well as space for discussion.
Expanding the details by clicking Show more reveals greater detail and space for a remediation plan.
Action Item Counts
This widget shows how many items of each category there are in each section of the survey, or for each question. It also shows how many of those are resolved or unresolved. In this example, there are 7 Action Items for the question "Is it Tuesday?" , none of them are resolved, and they fall in the Category "Low".
Action Plan Progress
This widget shows how many action items have due dates approaching, or in the past. In this example there are several items with a due date more than 3 days in the past, four Action Items due within 7 days, and six Action Items with a due date more than 15 days in the future.
Action Plan Risk Distribution
This widget displays the categories of the existing Action Items to give you a quick idea of how serious the items are. In this example, there are 7 items in Category "Low", 6 in "Serious" , and 13 in "Medium".