Shopper passwords are not visible and cannot be emailed from the system for security and privacy reasons, so forgotten passwords cannot be retrieved, only reset. If a shopper forgets their password, it can be reset using the Forgot Password link on the login page or from that shopper’s profile page. 

To send a password reset email to the Shopper:

  1. From the admin page, go to Shopper Search to find the relevant shopper.

  2. Click on the shopper in the search results and click the Profile button.

  3. Click Send Reset Link. A confirmation page will appear and the the shopper will receive an email with a link to a password reset page.

To reset the shopper’s password for them:

  1. From the admin page, go to Shopper Search to find the relevant shopper.

  2. Click on the shopper in the search results and click the Profile button.

  3. Type the new password into the New Password field and the Confirm field. The new password must meet current security requirements:

    • One Uppercase character

    • One Lowercase character
    • One Number or Symbol
    • 8 characters

  4. Click the Edit Shopper Profile button to save the new password.

Shopper "Forgot Password"

Shoppers can reset their passwords by using the Forgot Password link on the shopper login page.

The shopper can enter their account email on the next page to send a password reset link to it.