
SASSIE Social Media Monitoring (SMM)  automatically collects location specific feedback and reviews from over 50 sources and incorporates that data into SASSIE reports and dedicated to social media. SMM comes complete with social media dashboards and scoring, making that information available to your clients in an easy, familiar and impactful manner.

Social Media Monitoring can be requested through a tracker; you'll want to make sure all your locations have addresses that match what would be found on a Google profile for the location. 

Once Social Media is enabled for a client you will find dedicated Dragon widgets available. These include:

Rating Distribution

Rating by Source

Recent Feedback


Word Cloud

Rating Distribution shows you how the location or client's ratings are distributed, on a 1-5 scale

Rating by Source shows you the average rating from each source:

Recent Feedback shows the most recent reviews

Standards provides some metrics for the reviews and guidance about actions that can be taken to improve the client's Social reviews presence

Word Cloud uses words from the text of reviews, sized by frequency