1. On the Scheduler page, click on Create Session

2. Click Create Session next to the profile you want to use. Didn't make a profile yet? Go back to Creating a Profile and then come back to creating a session. 

3. In the session settings, give your Session a descriptive name. You may want to find it again later among all your sessions. 

4. Skip the self-assign setting for now; this is addressed in a separate article. 

5. "Shopper pick date" is a way that you can make the shopper tell you which day, between the Session's start date and due dates, they promise to do the shop. If you choose Require Shopper Pick Date, they will have to select a date in order to apply for the shop. 

5. When you check Require shopper pick date, you'll see some new options appear, and if you select those options, even more settings will appear. These settings are for limiting how often shoppers can do shops on this survey, or client.

Limit by Shopper: this applies to an individual shopper. You can choose that the shopper cannot do more than 2 shops per day for the survey or for the client (based on the date the shopper picks), or not within X days of each other.

Limit by Location: this applies to a location. You can choose that no shopper or shoppers can visit the same location more than X times per day, or fewer than X days apart. 

6. You can choose whether the date the shopper picks automatically changes the Start date (first day the shop can be submitted) and Submit Due date (date by which the shop should be submitted). You can also choose whether you want shoppers to be able to shop on each day of the week. These settings will all be enforced when the shopper tries to pick a date.

7. Enter the session's Due date, and other dates if you wish. These will serve as the dates for all the shops in the session, if you selected "use existing session settings" above, or, they will just be the earliest and latest dates for the shoppers to choose pick dates, if you chose "set to same day as shopper's pick date" above. 

You can also enter a wave here, if you are using waves. 

8. Enter the pay for the shop, and any expenses limits if your survey has expenses or special expenses. Enter the hours and days shoppers can shop (this part is informational only and will not be enforced; see the settings above to set a real limit). Enter a description of these shops so the shopper knows what is expected of them. 

You have an option here to ask one question to each shopper as they apply for a shop, example "Do you have a car?". Schedulers will be able to see the answer to the question when they are choosing among the shoppers who applied for each shop.

9. Click Save Settings, and click NEXT at the top of the page. 

10. You have a choice about how you are going to choose locations for this session. You can choose all the locations for the client, or you can select by other units (levels 2, 3, 4, 5) , or by group or ULG. You can also view a list of all locations and choose from among them. 

11. In this example, several locations are chosen from a list, click "Create Shops" at the bottom of the list, and then the page displays them for confirmation. Click Next to proceed. 

12. Autoscheduler will now combine the locations you selected with your shopper database. The most accurate and targeted method is to select Geocode--this uses exact coordinates of each shopper and each location. Click GO to match shoppers.

13. The next page will show you how many shoppers were matched with each location. Depending on your shopper database and locations, it may be a few or a large number. You can review the numbers to see if they are suitable. If you have matched fewer shoppers than you want, you could consider removing any restrictions that you set when you created the profile you are using in Creating a Profile.

Click to proceed to the next step. 

14. On the next page, you can finally post the shops! You can email shoppers who have opted into Shop Offer emails, or post to your own Job Board. The best way to reach shoppers will be to send to Prestomap. Click POST when you have made your selections. 


You are now finished with Creating a Session! Your next step will be to assign shoppers to shops.