As a Partner System Administrator, you have some incredible superpowers called permissions that allow you to handle clients' needs- whatever they are whenever they come up. So what are these superpowers and why do you want them, You'll need to view the companion article "Default Admin Permissions," to learn what permissions each type of manager has by default. 


You'll want to keep it in the back of your mind that Sassie allows Reviewer or Scheduler permissions to be client-specific and any permission can be assigned to your managers. The first set of permissions we will cover is for administrators, Reviewers, and Schedulers. 

Get downloads: you can receive downloads these exports will be for shop exports, location exports, and manager exports.

Access tracker: you have access to the Sassie tracker. The tracker is how LiveShopper Sassie keeps on top of all the projects you have. You can leave instructions or ask questions that will go directly to those who are working with you on the LiveShopper Sassie side. 

Edit Master Status Groups: Master Status Group shops are shops grouped by statuses specific to your client, and you get to edit them with this permission.

Edit Reporterator reports: you can modify and activate Reporterator reports.

Edit Admins:  you can edit your own Partner managers' permissions. 

Client and Form Settings: edit your client's settings, date ranges, and report activation.

Edit Form Questions: edit the text of shop form questions. If you want to create questions, you'll need to be Form Certified

Edit Locations: you can edit locations, levels, groups, and ULGs (Unlimited Location Groups)

Edit Managers: you can edit a manager's login details and basic Access Options (only)

Import/Export Location Template:  With this permission, you can import location templates, stickies template, and perform bulk location reorganization. There are training articles available on how to use these templates, you'll need to view them before this permission is turned on.

You manage who has access to your shopper information through the shopper administration permissions: 

View Shopper Information: you can view shopper names and in logs, search for shoppers, view their profiles and perform other shopper-related functions. 

Billing Access: Access the Shopper Billing section which allows you to download the file needed to process payments for shoppers.

Download Shoppers: export shopper data except for secure shopper data, into a file you can use for whatever you want.

Shopper Announcement Access: access the Shopper Announcement that is displayed to shoppers when they log in.

Bulk Email Shoppers: send bulk emails to shoppers without being part of a session.

View Secure Shopper Information: you'll be able to view encrypted demographics, and other secure data.

This last bunch of permissions affects how your manager can see the data that your clients can see- we call this the "client-side"

View Shop Logs: View the shop logs for locations they have permission to see and any reports that include their surveys.

View Individual Surveys: See all questions on a survey with answers filled in by shoppers

View Reports: this permission gives you access to the Reports Page

Generate PDF Reports: when you generate certain reports, rather than pages of information, a link is generated by going through in the PDF/Printable reports dropdown on the reports page. These PDF books may contain results for locations that you don't have access to, so anyone who has this permission should have "View reports All".

View PDF reports: view pdf reports created by other managers. these pdf books may contain results for locations to which you don't have access.

Distribute reports through email: controls whether or not someone can go to the reports page and click on an email link distribution report successfully. It sends trigger emails without having to finalize shops. 

Edit their own account: they can access the screen where they can change their email and password. 

If you have the TestCaster module enabled, there are two more TestCaster specific permissions that can be turned on:

you'll be able to modify shopper tests and qualifications

you can grade tests