Review History

  • Review History tracks every change made by shoppers, editors and/or Auto Change
  • Rewind to a previous answer with just a click
  • Be alerted when shoppers make answer changes you're not expecting.
  • Included with Auto Change, or available stand-alone.

Enabling Review History

To enable Review History, you must first enable the module on the MSP level. To do this, create a support tracker. Once the module is enabled, Review History can be enabled on a per survey basis. 

To enable Review History on a survey you must have the premium module permission enabled on your admin account. If you do not have this permission, ask your MSP representative or have your MSP representative create a support tracker to get this permission enabled for the appropriate MSP admin accounts.

For admin users with the premium module permission, you can enable both admin review history and Auto Change in the first section of the form/survey settings page. If this option is not available to you, please verify you have the correct permissions and if you are still having issues please contact support via the support tracker to verify your MSP has the Review History module enabled.

Select the 'Enable Admin Review History on this survey' checkbox and save the settings. Once this setting has been saved, Review History will be enabled moving forward (changes made before the setting is enabled are not tracked.)

Using Review History

REVIEW HISTORY is included with the Auto Change service so you can always restore the original answer

Let's zoom in and see the original answer vs the Auto Changed version (where "beeswax" is replaced with "beeswax candles"):
We can also zoom in and see where a reviewer ("Surfmerchants Master") changed a Suzie the Shopper's answer to include "Apples" and "Walnuts":

Don't need Auto Change but want Review History by itself? Review History costs just $0.10/shop above your normal SASSIE fee, enabling you to see every change that shoppers or editors make.