Kiosk Plus or Kiosk+ was designed to overcome the limitations associated with our standard Kiosk system, such as not being able to use RuleZ. Kiosk Plus shops have all the benefits and drawbacks of a normal shop.

Instead of generating a Kiosk shop, clicking on a Kiosk Plus link generates a normal shop, assigns it to a *kioskShopper and then logs the user in as *kioskShopper to fill out the shop.  All shops that are finished by a *kioskShopper will be submitted into the completed status and accessible for the normal reviewing process.

To access the Kiosk Plus system, simply open a Support Tracker and request the feature to be enabled for a specific client and survey. 

Keep in mind that enabling Kiosk Plus requires disabling ICR/Kiosk shops for that survey, which will remain inaccessible until Kiosk Plus is disabled.

Once you have the Kiosk Plus functionality enabled for your survey, head to the main Admin Page.

Select a client, head to the Clients tab and use the ICR/Kiosk Links link in the Config column, or simply use the Quick Jump bar!

Generating links

The Kiosk Admin interface allows you to configure some settings before you create Kiosk Plus links. 

If you decide to use the Level/Location dropdown, you will be able to choose not only from the Levels your Client has set up, but also from groups and Unlimited Location Groups.

If you need to generate links for specific locations, make sure you use the Location IDs you can easily get from the Location Administration page.

Using the Search button will display the list of links on your screen.

Using the Export button will generate a tab-delimited, sass file for you. Simply click the link to download it.

Using a link will open a new window with a Kiosk Plus shop to be filled out. This means that only one Kiosk Plus window/tab can be opened at a time, per computer. Opening multiple Kiosk Plus shops at the same time will cause issues!