Mass Editor displays all the questions on a form and allows you to make edits to multiple fields at the same time. 

To get to the utility, start at the main Admin page.

Select a client, head to the Clients tab and use the Clients & Form Settings link in the Setup column, or simply use the Quick Jump bar! 

If you did not use the Quick Jump bar, there is an extra step you will have to take. From the Clients & Form Settings page, select the Mass Edit option from the Form settings dropdown.

The Mass Editor page opens with all questions showing by default. 

If you wish to view questions of a specific type or in a specific section, you can use the filters in the gray box to change which questions are displayed on the page.  

If you have versioned in/out questions to your survey, by entering specific dates in the filter, you can control which survey version you want to see. 

A white box indicates the fields which are editable.

The Mass Editor lets you easily view and set question requirements, toggle whether the question is included in the total score, and assign the question to a specific section.

Use the Select All/Deselect All buttons to easily mark the questions you want to delete.

Using the Edit button will open the Question Admin pop-up, and to check how the question will be displayed, simply hit the Preview one.

Refresh your memory on question types in a different section of the Knowledge base!