You can delete a survey using the Survey Deletion utility.

To reach it, get started on the main Admin Page.

Select a client, head to the Clients tab and use the Client & Form Settings link, or simply use the Quick Jump bar.

If you used the Client & Form Settings link, you will be forwarded to the Client Administration page. Head to the Survey section and locate the survey you want to delete.

Select the Delete Survey option from the "Form Settings" dropdown on the right side of the section. Using the GO button will open a new page, Survey Deletion.

If you used the Quick Jump bar, the Client and Survey will be pre-selected for you.

You will be required to input your name and the reason for deletion.

Only surveys with no shops can be deleted. If you would like to delete a survey that already has shops, you will need to request deletion by opening a Support Tracker.

Deleting surveys should only be done in cases where you no longer want the data associated with that survey, and the deletion is not reversible. 

Remember, you can also deactivate a survey!