Grids are tricky to work with, but they can serve a useful purpose in limited situations. 

Creating a grid

To add a grid, follow the steps for adding a question to a survey.

Once on the Question List, instead of adding a question, you will want to Add grid at position of your choice. 

Grid Types

The first step in building your grid is to select the grid type.

You would go for Question Grid if:

  • You are using any 'input' questions (Text, Narrative, Currency…)
  • You want different types of questions in the same row
  • You want each cell to contain all of the answers to a question

You would go for Answer Grid if:

  • You are only using radio button questions
  • You want one question to take up an entire row or a column
  • You want each cell to contain only one answer

Each of the grid types has its own article that goes into grid-building details: Question Grids and Answer Grids.

Editing a grid

To properly edit a grid, use the edit grid option.

Once you select the grid and hit the GO button, you will be presented with a couple of options.

While the grid questions and answers will be displayed in the Question list, using the grid editor wizard is the only way to ensure your grid will be properly displayed.

Please be very careful editing questions through the Question list!

If you add or delete questions within the grid from the Question list, this can break your grid display. 

In the grid, all questions must adhere to the same visibility settings. For instance, you cannot individually hide select questions from shoppers or clients; the visibility settings apply uniformly across all questions. Similarly, regarding form versioning, all questions within the grid must have consistent versioning settings, or none at all.

Grid Examples

Use the Yikes! Show me some examples! button to get a side-by-side view of the differences in each grid type.