These operators test the shopper's Testcaster qualifications. Qualifications are entered in single or double quotes; for example:
ifQ() .hasQual('Videography')
ifQ() .hasQual"”Videography") .appear(Section(21));
// can also use the ID and multiple args
//.hasQual(23, 41, "foo");
ifQ() .lacksQual("Videography") .disappear(Section(21));
// can also use the ID and multiple args
//.lacksQual(23, 41, "foo");
These operators check for the selected question set. The question set can be entered as a name in single or double quotes, or as a question set ID; for example:
ifQ() .isQSet('English')
ifQ() .isQSet("English") .appear(Section(3));
// can also use its id
// .isQSet(2)
ifQ() .notQSet("English") .disappear(Section(3));
// can also use its id
// .notQSet(2)