Photo DNA is a system that is designed to help you identify possible fraud by analysing and comparing images.


Once the Photo DNA has been enabled in Client and Survey settings, you will be able to View Photo DNA Master Settings to ensure the settings suit your needs.

Using the link will open Photo DNA Alert Inbox.

In the General Settings tab, you can enter the Email Photo DNA contact, and set the Match Confidence Threshold. This means a trigger will be sent based on the confidence rating.

There are three settings for the Threshold: 

  • Maybe - you will be sent alerts that range from Maybe to Probably
  • Probably - you will be sent alerts that range from Probably to Definitely
  • Definitely - you will be only sent matches that are 100% certain

Updating this setting will affect your whole system, not just the one client!

The trigger e-mail contains a link to the Photo DNA Inbox, as well as the information on the shopper that uploaded the image, as well as the Client and Survey.

In the Activation tab, select the Client, Survey, and Questions for which you want the Photo DNA to be enabled (or disabled).

Keep in mind that if Photo DNA is not enabled when the image is uploaded, the image will not be analysed. Additionally, images are only analysed on questions that have Photo DNA enabled.


Once there are images in the Photo DNA inbox, you can decide what to do with them.

Each match will let you know on which Client and Survey the match has been detected, alongside the Job and Question IDs, as well as the Shopper who uploaded the image.

Clicking on the Job ID link will open the shop in the Review View, while clicking on the shopper's name will open a pop-up with some extra info (also allowing you to easily check the shopper's log).

The Match Confidence setting is the Photo DNA's rating of how likely it is that the two images originated from the same photo.

The Is this a match? section allows you to confirm whether the two photos are in fact a match. 

If you select Yes or Maybe, the alert will remain in the alerts inbox.

Selecting No automatically removes the alert from the inbox, as well as the admin shop review screen. 

Selecting Yes or Maybe AND Remove from Inbox will lock in the rating and comments and remove the alert from the inbox. The alert will remain on the admin shop review page, and will remain visible to reviewers in the Photo DNA Alerts for Job #XXXX page. 

You will have a chance to undo the actions while still on the alerts inbox page, but once you leave the page, you cannot undo the actions.

Disable Photo DNA/delete all alerts on Q: #XX option disables Photo DNA for the QID associated with the alert and deletes the alert and all related alerts for the QID associated with the original photo. 

Please note that to undo this, click "undo" on each collapsed alert, and you must manually re-enable Photo DNA for the QID.

You will have a chance to undo while still on the alerts inbox page, but once you leave the page, you cannot undo disabled alerts.

Any comment you add will also be displayed in the Review view.