Sometimes, you might find yourself in a situation where you want to update the question order or the type of the question.
Remember, there are other options that will allow you to administrate the question list, such as Form Versioning by Date and Smartforming!
To make any of the updates, get started at the main Admin Page.
Select a client, head to the Clients tab and use the Clients & Form Settings link in the Setup column, or simply use the Quick Jump bar!
Once on the Client Administration page, find the name of the survey you want to edit the questions for.
From the Form Settings dropdown, select the Question List option and hit the GO button.
To update either, simply use the Edit button in the left-hand column of the Question List.
Changing Question Order
Once a new pop-up appears, edit the Question Order to whichever number suits you best.
The question will appear in a different part of the survey, depending on its number.
If shops were previously performed using this survey, the answers will still be attached to this question.
Changing Question Type
The question type can only be changed into similar question types.
If you require the type to be changed into a question type not listed, you can open a Support Tracker and have us look into the possibility of doing that for you!
Changing Question Text
If the question is changed too much, answers can mean something entirely different than they did originally.
Let's look at an example!
Original: Was the waiter prompt in taking your order? (Y/N)
Changed: Did the waiter take longer than 5 minutes to take your order? (Y/N)
In this example, the desirable answer was originally YES, but afterwards the desirable answer was NO. This will cause a scoring problem when comparing pre-change shops to post-change shops!
When question text is changed, it will be updated in every shop ever done on the survey!
Changing Question Answer
As long as the meaning of the answers doesn’t change, it is alright to change the text of the answers.
Question | Original Answers | Bad update | Good update |
Did you enjoy the movie? | Yes (3 points) No (0 points) | I don't know (3 points) Maybe (0 points) | Yes, I did! (3 points) No, I did not. (0 points) |
However, if shops have already been done, it is not alright to shift the order or placement of answers, since SASSIE stores answers to questions by their position!
Question | Original Answers | BAD Addition | Less bad |
Rate the quality: | Good (3 points) Average (2 points) Mediocre (1 point) | Excellent (4 points) Good (3 points) Average (2 points) Mediocre (1 point) | Good (3 points) Average (2 points) Mediocre (1 point) Excellent (4 points) |
Let's say the answer to the question was "Good". The system will store this as 'The first answer was selected'.
After the change, the first answer is set as "Excellent", which means that any previous shops that have answered with the first option, will now be displaying "Excellent", instead of "Good".
The last example is an okay addition to do functionality-wise. We do not recommend doing this, as adding a new answer option after shops have already been completed will skew the results.
Inserting answers, or moving them around, will cause inconsistencies!
Before you make any changes, please read about versioning, or open a Support Tracker notice.
Deleting questions
Certain types of questions cannot be deleted: official time and date questions.
When deleting questions, all shops done on that survey will now be missing that question, and all previous answers to that question will be permanently deleted.
Delete with care!!
Furthermore, if you delete a question that has scoring, a recalculation will need to be performed.