A Qualification is a 'merit badge' that a shopper can earn by passing a test.

Category Name

Qualifications can be grouped into categories for organizational purposes. 

By default, the qualification will be placed in the 'General' category unless specified otherwise.

Qualification Name

We advise that both Category and Qualification names be unique and descriptive.


Levels are useful to further detail a qualification in cases where there may be higher or lower versions of the same qualification.

 Levels are always relative to other qualifications in the same category! The higher the level, the better the qualification.


A good place to add descriptive details about a qualification.


This section allows you to grant the qualification to the shopper if they passed a test.

One qualification can be assigned to multiple tests.

Once you are satisfied with your selections, use the Add Qualification button.

If, on the other hand, you want to stop using the qualification, simply use the Deactivate button instead.