Once you have your Chameleon Shop View set up, you will want to customize the view in a way that is perfect for your clients.

To help you do that, we will go through the basics of using Chameleon ShopConfigurator.

Checking the box next to the pin icon will ensure the ShopConfigurator stays on the top of your page, allowing you full access to widgets during the customization process.

Adding widgets

To add a widget, select one you need and drag it to the screen below. As you hover your mouse over the screen (still holding down on the widget), the dashed yellow areas will display positions you can drop the widget at.

Once you find a perfect place for your widget, simply release the widget over the dashed area.

There is no need to save the configuration every time you add or remove a widget, but make sure you save it before you leave the Chameleon ShopConfigurator!

Editing widgets

To edit a widget, use the configuration (wrench) icon in the top right corner of the widget.

The settings that you can influence depend on the widget you are configuring. While it is always the best course of action to check directly in the widget settings, we do have a list of widgets with some of their configuration options!

Once you click on the configuration icon, you will be able to edit the settings. 

After you "Apply" the change, the update will automatically reflect on the widget as well.

Removing widgets

To remove a widget, use the removal (trash can) icon in the top right corner of the widget.

Keep in mind there is no confirmation dialogue, so once you click the icon, the widget will be instantly deleted!

Before leaving the page, make sure to click the SAVE THESE SETTINGS button in the top section.