This section of the Survey Settings allows you to configure Report dates, RuleZ, Photo DNA and GPS.

Report Date Default

When this setting is checked, the Reviewer will have an option to overwrite the Report Date to with the Shop Date. 

Once the setting is activated on the survey, the checkbox will be checked by default in the shop review view. 

To have this feature activated on your system, please request it through a Support Tracker!

Delay Required Questions

This allows the shopper to move to the next page of the shop even if they have not answered the required question. All responses will be validated at the survey completion, so the shopper will still be required to answer the [required] questions.


Enable or disable the usage of RuleZ.

Disable RuleZ on Review View

Enabling Rules on Review View applies all RuleZ that are active for the Shoppers' view of forms to the Reviewers' view as well.

If the RuleZ are disabled, there will be a note in the Review View.

Additionally, if a question wasn't answered by a shopper because it was hidden by Rulez, the question will appear with "Oops!" error messages next to it in the Reviewer's view.

However, if this setting is enabled, you will be able to Disable RuleZ on the Review View, and show questions hidden by RuleZ.

Keep in mind that the appear/disappear rule will also be active on the Reviewer's view, so instead of showing inaccurate "Oops!" messages, the question will merely be greyed-out on the Reviewer's view to indicate that the question was hidden from the shopper.

Using the RuleZ Setup link will open the RuleZ editor.

Show "RuleZ-Hidden" Questions on Review View

As the label says, using this option ensures that the "RuleZ-Hidden" questions are either displayed or hidden from the Review View.

By default, the surveys will auto-hide any questions that are not in use due to RuleZ.

Auto-Delete Responses to "RuleZ-Hidden" Questions on Review View

This functionality requires the Review History module to be activated. You can submit a Support Tracker to have this enabled on your system.

The setting is connected to the previous one, Show "RuleZ-Hidden" Questions on Review View, and allows you to automatically delete the responses to those hidden questions.

When this option is checked, a new checkbox will appear at the bottom of the Admin Review Page, and it will default to checked. The Reviewer can simply uncheck the box before updating the survey if they don't want the data to be deleted.

GPS Verifier

Enable or disable the usage of the GPS Verifier.

Is GPS Verifier code required to be entered?

This option is available for checking only if the GPS Verifier functionality is enabled.

Simply enable this setting if you want to require the usage of the GPS Verifier on shops.

DIsable location proximity enforcement (2 mi/3.2km)

Disable or enable the GPS Verifier's location proximity enforcement.

Photo DNA

The setting allows you to disable or enable the usage of Photo DNA.