Survey Settings

Configure and adjust survey parameters, including scoring, question display, and distribution options.

Survey Administration
Once your Client has been set up, and your Survey created, you will want to set, or update, Survey settings. To reach the Survey Administration page, st...
Thu, 25 Jul, 2024 at 4:12 AM
Basic Survey Settings
The section on the top of the survey settings page allows you to edit the survey name, set the expenses and configure a few more options. Survey...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 4:51 AM
Advanced Survey Options
This section of the Survey Settings allows you to configure Report dates, RuleZ, Photo DNA and GPS. Report Date Default When this setting is ch...
Thu, 25 Jul, 2024 at 3:41 AM
ICR/Kiosk Mode Settings
The ICR/Kiosk Mode Settings section allows you to configure the settings for the Kiosk shops. Enable ICR/Kiosk shops for this survey Enable or ...
Fri, 28 Jun, 2024 at 4:42 AM
Score Triggers
The Score Triggers section in Survey settings allows you to set up e-mail notifications for when a shop reaches the Finalized status and its score falls abo...
Tue, 28 May, 2024 at 6:51 AM
Manager Triggers
The Manager Triggers section in Survey settings allows you to configure e-mail notifications for when a shop reaches a certain distribution status, and spec...
Tue, 28 May, 2024 at 6:50 AM
Scoring Survey Settings
The Scoring section of the survey settings allows you to adjust the survey scoring. Omit N/A When a question is marked as N/A, exclude that que...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 5:29 AM
Display Settings (Distribution status)
The Display section of the Survey settings enables you to configure specific Dragon and colour settings, as well as to define the behaviour of Alternate Que...
Mon, 22 Jul, 2024 at 6:05 AM
Survey Sections
Sections are organizational units that group related questions together. They provide structure and clarity to different parts of your survey, allowing you ...
Mon, 8 Apr, 2024 at 5:33 AM
Email Triggers - System Default Text
Below are the default settings for various types of Email Triggers. These triggers consist of text and dynamic fields (indicated by {curly brackets}) th...
Mon, 22 Jul, 2024 at 4:41 AM